Social Media Review

We know it’s hard to find time to sit down and really look at your social media and what you should be posting every week. That’s where we come in. Let our social media strategist deep dive into your account and come out with recommendations that will get your engagement sky-high and your social community wanting more. We create an individual strategy that will deliver you a competitive advantage and produce exceptional results for your brand. How this works and what you will get: You will give us access to your social media accounts. You will receive a document packed full of recommendations to improve your social media accounts. Go through this document at your own speed. The idea of this service is to action things when you want to.   

Influencer Power

You want to reach out to some influencers to get some more exposure to your brand but have no idea how to start? You have come to the right place. We look at your brand, products and social media accounts to assess what influencers will suit you and deliver you the best results. How this works and what you will get: A list of 10 Influencers. You will receive a document that outlines why we have chosen each influencer, account information and contact details.

Social Media Content for 1 week

You have been struggling with social media and just like any good relationship you need to re-discover the love you have for each other. This is the perfect service to get you back on track. We research your business, discover your tone of voice and get your relationship back to the sweet spot. How this works and what you will get: 

Daily posts to Instagram and Facebook (14 posts in total)

We use your scheduling software so nothing needs to change on your end

You will supply some images and we can also curate images to fit nicely with your brand

We will write stimulating copy

We will also provide the optimized hashtags to make sure you are getting noticed

You will be ready to dive back into your love of social media before the week is out.

Social Media Content for 4 weeks

You have been busy making sales and getting orders shipped and your social media posting has fallen by the wayside. That's ok we are here to help get you back on track. We will get to know your brand inside and out, work with and improve on your tone of voice and put together a four-week mini-strategy for posting.

How this works and what you will get:

Daily posts to Instagram and Facebook (28 posts, 56 in total)

We use your scheduling software no nothing needs to change on your end

You will supply some images and we can also curate images to fit nicely with your brand

We will write stimulating copy

We will also provide the optimized hashtags to make sure you are getting noticed

Let us take care of your social media posting while you take care of your business.